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Tour a Cusco e Machu Picchu
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What to bring
Sanne R.
26 apr 2008, 04:13


I've made a reservation for the trek and will start on May 19th. I have already checked your site in order to know what is essential to bring. However, you did not mention the necessity to bring a mosquito net.. Can I conclude that I don't have to bring this with me? What do you recommend?



Re: What to bring
Messages: 825
26 apr 2008, 11:36

Dear Sanne,

Thank you for your message. Mosquito nets are only recommended to avoid yellow fever and malaria when visiting the Amazon Forest and not for the trek which is in the Andes area. It is true that there are some mosquitos, mainly in Machu Picchu, but they are not dangerous, only annoying. So, don't worry, you won't need a net, a lotion is enough.

Should you need anything else, feel free to contact us again.

Best wishes,

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